Sunday, May 3, 2015

Chile Fever!!!

After opening my call, I realized the frenzy had begun. I had four and a half months to prepare to leave, and I hadn't a clue where to start. It was the beginning of January, and I had come home from Brigham Young University Idaho, where I was attending school. I had anticipated to leave as soon as my birthday came by in March, but I was quick to realize that the time I left was not my timing but Heavenly Father's. I had left my school, apartment, friends, and callings in order to serve a mission and I was to be home for the next few months. This was a little frustrating to me, as I had a long wait ahead of me. However after a few fervent prayers, and phone calls I was able to register online at BYU-Idaho to finish my second semester of college online. As soon as I registered for classes, I was able to begin learning. However I had no idea what was to come in the next few weeks. I have learned that when Heavenly Father calls one of His children to serve on a mission, He intends to shape and refine them until they are prepared to serve the people in their mission to their needs.

When I first received my mission call, I had over 136 days until I reported to the MTC. In the course of this time I was able to prepare in ways that I would never had been able to, had I remained at school in Rexburg.

In January, the excitement of my call still fresh, I was able to go to the temple and receive the gifts and promises Heavenly Father had for me, as well as to make sacred covenants to Him. A few days later, I was able to be called to work in the temple.

Over the course of the next few months I was able to learn to rely on my Savior, as well as my Father in Heaven to be able to help with the work for the dead on earth. It was through these months that I was able to learn that my mission did not start May 20th, 2015, but the very day I opened my mission call on January 2, 2015. I was called of God to serve and bring others to Christ, and that did not mean I had to wait four and a half months until I could serve with all of my heart, might, mind, and strength. I was called to serve every day, today, tomorrow, and throughout the next eighteen months as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

This is the Boise, Idaho Temple. A place that I have grown to love as much as my own home.

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