Sunday, May 3, 2015

My Mission Call

Dear Sister Barthlome,

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Chile Osorno Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.

You should report to the Mexico Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, May 20, 2015. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language. Your assignment may be modified according to the needs of the mission president....

After a long wait of three weeks, my mission call came in the mail Saturday January 2, 2015. My mom and I had checked our mailbox three different times that day, before I finally was able to open the mailbox and see my call waiting for me to open. It really was a moment where the third time is the charm. When I held my call in my hands I was able to feel the excitement of actually receiving my own mission call. 

After reading the words of my call, I was in shock to find out that I was called to serve in the Chile Osorno Mission. I was so excited that I accidentally called it the "Chile Osborno Mission," and  I had to cling to the banister of the staircase. I couldn't believe that I had been called to southern Chile, of the entire world, and I knew this was where Heavenly Father wanted me to be.

 As soon as my call came in the mail, we were in a frenzy of phone calls, skype calls, as well as driving to Walmat for treats and napkins. While I was out my mom sent me a few pictures of herself with my call, as she threatened to open it for me if I didn't hurry back from the store. Needless to say, I was speeding through the checkout lines and rushing home as fast as I could within reason of traffic laws.

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