Sunday, May 3, 2015

I love to see the Temple!

When I arrived home in December, I was still waiting patiently for my mission call. However, I did not have the chance to sit in front of my mailbox every day, as I went out of town to visit my brother and his family in Arizona. With that in mind, I asked my roommate from college to watch the mailbox for me, as I was hoping my call would arrive while I was gone. She was home for the holidays and was more than willing to watch for me so that I could enjoy the Christmas days with my family. While we were in Arizona, I was able to go with my mom and sister in law to the Temple Distribution Center and pick out a temple dress for the upcoming day that I would be able to go to the temple. This was such a sweet sacred experience for me to be able to go and spend the day with my mom and sister to chose the outfit I was to wear for my special day in the temple. I have always wanted older sisters, and I have been given two wonderful women as my older sisters, and it was such a special day to be able to spend time with one that lives so far away.

This is my mom and I outside of the Distribution Center.

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